Hello! My name is Isaac Hill and I am a rising senior at Eagleville High School in Eagleville, Tennessee. I play saxophone (bari, tenor, and alto) in marching, jazz, and concerts bands and I will be one of two Drum Majors this year. I also sing Bass II in choir. After high school graduation, I plan to pursue a degree in aerospace engineering. Obtaining my pilot’s license and helping to design and build spacecraft for exploration are two of my career goals. When I am not playing in an ensemble or singing, I enjoy racing sailboats, riding horses, and playing golf. I really appreciate this opportunity and thanks again to the FMA, the Program Sponsors, and my band and choir directors, Chris Crumley and Candace Adams, for making it possible.
Read updates from Isaac:
Isaac has selected Murfreesboro Aviation at Murfreesboro Airport in Tennessee.
Murfreesboro Aviation is proud to be a part of the Flying Musicians Associations quest to Inspire, Educate, and Encourage! We look forward to taking to the skies with Isaac as one of Tennessee’s newest pilots! The motto of Murfreesboro Aviation is “Up Here, It’s About Trust!” Murfreesboro aviation is honored to be entrusted with the opportunity to teach Isaac to fly in a responsible and safe manner.
Murfreesboro Aviation is the busiest privately-owned flight school in the state of Tennessee, owned by Jim Gardner. In the past 4 years Murfreesboro Aviation has grown from a flight school to a maintenance and repair center, Cessna Authorized Service Center, FAA-Certificated Part 145 Maintenance Facility, avionics repair and installation facility, aircraft brokerage and acquisition services company, and FAA-Certificated part 135 charter operator.
Murfreesboro Aviation
Congrats, Isaac! Hope your journey has been fun and blue skies!
Hey man! My names Kat and I’m a pro pilot student at MTSU! I heard you’re taking aero 1010 this fall or later if you have any questions about Murfreesboro or the university or if you need anything at all just let me know!
Yes, I am and thank you! I’ll definitely take you up on it.
Thank you, Mrs. Cayce.
You ROCK Isaac!