Friday and Monday were ground school days with Tanner Quigley at Murfreesboro Aviation. We worked on nautical to statute mile conversions; discussed different classes of airspace; how to read and understand charts; and calculating wind correction angle, magnetic deviation, true airspeed and calculated airspeed.
On Monday afternoon, I had the opportunity to fly with a friend, Wayne Harris, in his 1970 Piper Cherokee. He picked me up at the Shelbyville Municipal Airport (SYI) and he let me take the controls for the flight. We flew over Woods Reservoir where we keep our sail boats and sail. Flying the Piper was quite a bit different than flying the Cessna 152. It had lot more room and was smoother in the air. It was fun to fly. I really appreciate Wayne taking me up.
Always fun and educational to fly and experience different aircraft.
Nice to have supportive friends!