Hey! So recently, I went up on a flight to do forced landings and it was probably the scariest thing I have every done, even including my glider training. My instructor and had a through briefing before the flight, in the meeting he told me about all the procedures, the entries and the recoveries. But when we went up it was a totally different ball game. Though we did not actually land the plane, we did everything we would have done if we ever had a forced landing situation. So, when we were at around 3000 feet, he cut off my power, saying that we had an “engine failure” and that I should make the decisions that I would make incase of an actual engine failure, and we came in to land on a field/flat surface, we over shot our landing. We did this for an entire hour, to build up my confidence and to make sure that I was comfortable incase of an emergency. After this part of my training, I felt like I was ready for anything that was about to come up in the future.