The Importance of Health When Flying

Hi all! I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the warmer spring weather. In February and March, my flight training was placed on hold because of my health. I had an ear infection and bad stomach/digestive issues and therefore was forced to tend to myself rather than fly. As a result, I became rusty. I forgot how to execute steep turns and stalls properly, among other maneuvers that I was well versed in just weeks ago.

Finally, after three months, I am much healthier. I can consistently weight train to my liking in the gym, and I have found great additional health benefits in going to the sauna every day and adopting a regimen of supplements. I have also had one flight since.

All this is to say, that health is paramount in aviation. Without a healthy body, nothing is possible. Fight training takes discipline in scheduling out days to a lot for flights, studying, and ground classes. Additionally, it also takes discipline in taking care of your body and treating it as if it were a high-performance car. If you fuel your body with bad fuel and neglect to care for it by exercising, your body will not perform well, and vice versa. Flight training is so much more than flying!

Here is what I did to turn around my health (I hope this can help someone who is looking for ways to improve theirs too):

-Sleep early (sleep is everything, our body recovers during sleep, and sleep changes the chemistry of our brain and body)

-supplement regimen including multivitamins, vitamin C, and more

-weight training at the gym every day

-daily sauna sessions for 15-25 minutes at or around 290 degrees Fahrenheit


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