
I finally soloed!!

It felt so amazing and so weird at the same time! Not having my CFI next to me gave me a sense of independence in the aircraft and gave me a huge boost of adrenaline when flying. It went great, although I thought I could’ve done better on my landings, 3 in total, but I’ve heard that if you can walk away from a landing, it’s a good landing.

I hope that this chapter is the first of many and I can’t wait to share my future accomplishments.

3 thoughts on “Solo!!”

  1. Congratulations! You’ll never forget the feeling of your first solo. Can’t wait to keep reading about your future accomplishments!

  2. Congratulations, Levi!
    The first step is the biggest!
    Cherish that flight — no matter how far you go in aviation, you’ll never forget the feeling of your first solo liftoff: “This is IT.” And when you’ve shut down, and you realize YOU did something 99.999% of humans only dream about — that’s special.

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