Thank You Sponsors!!

I just wanted to make a post saying Thank You to all the sponsors who allowed me to accomplish one small step of my long journey!! I can’t thank everyone who has supported me in the association and on this website with all of the encouraging posts!! I am happy that I can keep my greatest supporters from all over the United States updated on the progress that I am making.

My last lesson and today’s my CFI and I worked on performance takeoffs and landings, which are kinda tricky. Today felt a lot better though because I felt more smooth with the procedures and I am getting an even better “eye” for my landings.

Once again Thank You Sponsors!! You made my dreams possible!

And peep the new sunglasses from Flying Eyes!!


I finally soloed!!

It felt so amazing and so weird at the same time! Not having my CFI next to me gave me a sense of independence in the aircraft and gave me a huge boost of adrenaline when flying. It went great, although I thought I could’ve done better on my landings, 3 in total, but I’ve heard that if you can walk away from a landing, it’s a good landing.

I hope that this chapter is the first of many and I can’t wait to share my future accomplishments.

TO and LND

I don’t have good pictures because I forget when I’m focusing on the lesson, so I usually get one before my preflight.

My CFI and I have been working on my takeoffs and landings so that I can solo. I’ve done two lessons working on them and so far, my approaches have been significantly improving but I am still perfecting the final flare when I am about to touchdown. This aspect has been a little bit of a struggle, mostly because I believe I am focusing on the runway right ahead of me instead of looking down the runway as most people encourage to look there instead. I do have better touchdowns when I remember to look down the runway, but I will just have to keep working at it and develop an “eye” for my touchdowns.


I’ve been kinda slacking on posting my flights that I have been doing but I’ll get you all brought up to date on them.

I’m still trying to perfect my landings to be able to solo but my CFI and I went to KGRI (Class D Airspace) and I worked on my communications with a tower.

Then later in the week, we scheduled the same flight again, but instead of my CFI doing the planning and helping me determine the cruising altitude and runway to use I did all of that and it was pretty amazing being able to make a plan then execute it exactly like it was made up.

I’m hopefully going to solo pretty soon so I’ll keep you guys updated on that!!

Hangar Jam

On the 29th of June, I held my very first Hangar Jam! I’ve been busy flying and working so I couldn’t get this posted sooner. It was awesome to play in front of a crowd and spread the light of aviation and music. I’ve been getting a few more hours in the seat and am starting to become more fluent with the controls and getting more proficient in maneuvers.


Flying Lesson!!

On Saturday I was given the opportunity to fly in my first Skyhawk 152. He is a member of the AAA (Antique Airplane Association) and wanted to take me up and fly me to my flight lesson. It was my first flight lesson with my new instructor. It was kind of a hard cross wind but it was a good time. It was great to get back in the seat and get some hours!