Latest Progress

Hi all!

I wanted to give a huge thank you out to FMA and all of our wonderful sponsors! I love the recent package I received and I have already handed out most of my flyers to people here at WMU and have talked to numerous more about joining the association. More information to come on our soon to be members and our plans!

I’m having an absolutely stellar time during the week here at Western and it just continues to get better all the time. My A&P program here has been going great for me and I’m happy to say I’m doing what I’ve found I really love to do. With every chance I get, I’m trying to extend myself into our rapidly growing aviation network at the university with all of the programs, activities, and associations they offer. I’ve also been continuing to play trumpet here at our weekly basketball games in the pep band and let me tell you, there’s really no comparison. Beyond that I’m looking at concert bands here on campus that I’ll be able to schedule in the very near future.

Recently, I’ve been able to get up in the air a little bit but am very limited by the weather. Me and my instructor Joe have been taking the weekends to go over more ground stuff through these winter months. As I’m getting a few spots to go up this month, it seems that solo will be within a couple of flight hours or right up next. I’m pretty comfortable in that left seat up there!

Thank you FMA!



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Nathan Nothelle

"I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” – Thomas Jefferson My name is Nathan Nothelle and I’m a 17 year old senior from Imlay City Michigan. My passion in music goes way back to the four stringed guitar I found in my barn when I was five, and has only escalated since I learned to play when I was 10. My real musical career began in 2010 when I picked up a trumpet for our beginning elementary band. I played trumpet all the way through middle school and learned the real meaning between passion and determination. Going into high school, I auditioned for our top band and began my real study. I was placed lead and section leader in my marching band and concert band my sophomore year. Since then I’ve taken great pride in tutoring students of all ages in all of the brass instruments I’ve learned including trumpet, horn, euphonium, trombone, and tuba. Some of my favorite experiences over the past four years have been playing in 14 various college honors bands, playing for my high schools concert band and wind ensemble, playing for many jazz ensembles, community bands, and so many more that I could go on forever. This year I’ve completed 51 performances so far! My passion in aviation dates back to when I took a flight down to florida when I was 9 and I was stunned by the absolute beauty of being up in the sky. Since that moment, all I ever want to do (besides play horn) is be in the air. My goal in aviation is to fly search and rescue missions with the United States Coast Guard. To reach my career goals, I am currently working on receiving my private pilot license from Flight 101 at KPTK to gain knowledge and accelerate my career. Before I apply to become an officer, I plan to complete a bachelor's degree in Aviation Maintenance Technology from Western Michigan University. While attending school, I’ll devote as much time as I have available to the USCG Aux Air as I’ve recently joined as an observer. Currently, my line of work before I ship off to school includes my day job as a custom fabricator for a local diesel and body shop, my night job as an equipment maintainer for a farm, and my many students that I continue to try and inspire with music as it's inspired me. Happy flying!

6 thoughts on “Latest Progress”

  1. So excited for you. Glad you have found your niche and at WMU to boot. Who would have thought? Looking forward to hearing from all your fellow students and to that day when you solo? Be sure to wear your FMA shirt… we’ll send you another.

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