First Week of School!

Hello fellow aviation and music enthusiasts! I hope everyone is doing well and I’d love to fill you in on my first week of school. I had my first week of classes last week and my first flight with the aviation institute as well. Just a hint, the flight was a lot more fun than the classes. So far I have joined three clubs and counting. I joined a soccer club, ultimate frisbee club, and a school-sponsored car club. This first week has been really exciting with meeting new people and trying new things. As I mentioned before I also had my first flight in Nebraska and wow, I really have to get used to crosswinds. On Monday at 10 am, myself and my instructor went up in a Cessna 172 and did steep turns, power-on stalls, and power-off stalls, as well as a few touch and go’s. My first and second touch and go’s were really bad but I squeaked the full stop. It was really exciting and a whole lot of fun. I can’t wait to go back out again. I can’t thank the people at FMA enough for helping fund my dreams of being a pilot. As for music, I’ve been working on the guitar trying to learn new songs. Here are a couple of pictures throughout the first week of school I’ve inserted. The first picture was from a Glow Dance that the school threw together. Also, It was very bright when I took the picture in front of the 172 so please excuse the face I am making. Thanks to everyone who is helping me achieve my goals and thank you to those that are reading the blogs! I hope you all have a great day!

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Scott Lutte

Hi everyone, my name is Scott Lutte. I'm currently a First Officer for SkyWest Airlines. After completing the aviation program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, I became a flight instructor at Council Bluffs Airport for just under a year, then switched to the airlines. I currently live in the Houston area and am still active in the general aviation community at KCXO.

4 thoughts on “First Week of School!”

  1. Hey Scott! It sounds as though you’ve started the school year with a VERY full schedule. Sure hope all goes well and that it is all enjoyable, but if you find you have to pare it down a bit to get in everything that is giving you a feeling of joy and success, there’s nothing wrong with that either . I hope it turns out to be an awesome year!
    Your first touch and go may have been rough, but you certainly have a big smile on your face!
    Thanks for letting us know how things are going, and I’ll be checking back to see how your progressing!

  2. Thanks for the update! Don’t sweat the crosswinds-it’s great that you’re flying in a place where they happen a lot. I learned to fly with a perpetual left crosswind (KLGB) and have been forever grateful for that. And EVERYONE has difficulty with them, so knowing that, relax and enjoy the learning process!

  3. Welcome to the world of aviation! Hey, don’t worry about crosswinds — it’s just air. You can easily hold a track when you’re at 5000 feet; a crosswind landing is the same thing, just closer to the ground. (Okay, a little different, but you get the point. You’ve got this; all it takes is practice and familiarity.)
    Keep us posted!

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