Living my Dream

It is finally the beginning of my journey. I am now officially a private pilot. The first one in my family. When I started back in April, I did not expect to be done in approximately six months of training. But, today I am happy to say that driving 45 minutes each way, five days a week has definitely paid off and has given me a chance to see that hard work and commitment really does pay off.

I would like to thank the FMA solo program for giving me a chance to get started on my flight training as soon as possible and thank everyone part of the FMA community for giving me encouragement and advice as I had improved on my flying skills. I cannot wait to meet and interact with the FMA solo recipients of 2020.

In the future, I hope to stay in touch with you all and update you as I continue my passion for aviation.

21 thoughts on “Living my Dream”

  1. Thank you for sharing this! I am really happy to see that you have achieved this part of your aviation experience. Your accomplishment gives me a lot of hope for my future, & a lot of satisfaction knowing you’ve achieved your goal!

  2. Congrats!!! What an amazing accomplishment. Go for the RAF! Aim high! I aim to do almost the exact same thing, I want to get my private pilots license and then go into the USAF.

  3. Congratulations Navya! Hopefully one day I can follow in your footsteps. Keep up the hard work!

  4. Outstanding! It’s always nice to see someone achieve what they love. Thank you for your updates and for giving a lot of us someone to look up to! Congratulations on your PPL Navya!

  5. Very Impressive! I hope that you are able to keep us all up to date about all of this. 10/10 would read again. Best of luck!

    1. Thank you so much! I will definitely update you all on what is to come. I am in the grey area right now, as nothing is set in stone for the upcoming year.

  6. Congratulations Navya!!! I’m happy to hear after all your hard work your dreams really do come true! I look forward to reading more of where you’ll go from here.

  7. Hey, Navya!
    That is such a huge accomplishment to achieve you PPL; and the first in your family! It’s always so fulfilling to be able to look back to where you came from, at the hard work and supporters, to now living your dream, as you said! So happy for you!

    1. Thank you!! I really appreciate all the support I have gotten through this fantastic community and can’t wait to support our future members.

  8. Fantastic! Your achievements are celebrated across the globe by your fellow pilot/musicians as well as those aspiring to follow you. Congratulations, Navya.

    1. Thanks for everything you’ve done for this phenomenal group John!! I really appreciate all the support I have gotten from you!

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