New Chapter

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing well.

First of all conGRADulations to all those who graduated this year! We have worked extremely hard to get here and hard work definitely pays off. I am going to miss walking around the hallways that I have been accustomed to for the past four years, eating lunch in the band rooms and most of all, rushing to the airport right after school.

This year through music at school, I was awarded the Top Musician/Citizenship award. I was also selected as a semifinalist for the National NUFSICISUM (read it backwards) award. This ward requires leadership and musical qualities, in and out of music departments.

Through cadets, I was awarded the Pilots of 848 RCACS award, Spirit Award, Most Outstanding Cadet and the most prestigious of them all, the Lord Strathcona Medal. The pilot award is for cadets that have earned their pilot license (glider or power) in the last training year. The Spirit Award recipient is selected by the cadets and officers voting. The Most Outstanding Cadet award is for cadets that are all rounded, show commitment and have good leadership qualities. Lastly, the Lord Strathcona medal is for the cadet that demonstrates considerable leadership qualities, provides an enthusiastic example, has a high level of physical fitness and is reliable.

Lastly, I will be starting university with the first year being covered due to the scholarships I have received.  I have received an entrance scholarship based on my GPA, a District Authority Award, a Teachers Association bursary and a local Rotary Club Bursary.

I am extremely honoured to have ended highschool on such a high note and will be remembering all the memories I have made here. But most of all, I am ready to move on to the next chapter of my life.

This summer, I will be working for Cadets Canada to enhance the program as well as develop better learning tools. As this is my last summer with cadets I cannot wait to pursue the opportunity I have been given.

I also plan to complete my mountain rating as I would like to build up my flying hours.

That’s it for me! Hope everyone has a fantastic summer and stay safe!

6 thoughts on “New Chapter”

  1. This is so cool! It’s pretty amazing, all these accomplishments. As someone who still has their senior year ahead of me, I aspire to finish as strongly and prominently as you have!

  2. Navya!

    Congrats ion your accomplishments! Definitely looking forward to what your future holds.

    As a volunteer with a local Air Cadet Squadron (872 RCACS), I can appreciate all your hard work, and willingness to give back to the program. My main task as a volunteer at 872 is to run their power familiarization flying program – unfortunately, due to COVID we were unable to conduct any pwr famil flights for most of this year. Hopefully I’ll be able to get the program back up and flying in the new training year.

    Keep in touch with us all here at FMA, and enjoy the summer!

    FMA Canadian Ambassador

  3. You are an inspiration. Your achievements will open many doors. Your great citizenship will keep you humble. Thank you so much for what you have done and will do in the future. I am proud of you and extremely happy that you are a Flying Musician. Please remain active in the FMA network.

  4. Congratulations!!! It’s so weird being done with high school but now its on to bigger and better things. Good luck in college and I can’t wait to watch you fly and listen to your stories!

  5. Well Navya, I’m sitting here listening to music from ‘this time’ in my own life-finishing high school, starting University, and remembering how exciting it all was. Your enthusiasm for what’s happened, and what may lie ahead is infectious-congratulations, and we all look forward to seeing whats next for you.

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