I Finally Did It – First Solo!

As the title says, I soloed! I finally got to fly a plane by myself for the first time after 16 hours of training, and I felt invincible. I will never forget November 21, 2020. The night before, I was concerned if I would even be able to fly the next day because the cloud ceilings were forecasted to be about BKN 015, which is the minimum ceiling to do pattern work at Kent. When I arrived at the airport on 11/21, the ceilings were at 012, which had me worried. Though when I called the weather briefer, they said that they expect the clouds to rise, so it was just a waiting game at that point. Thankfully, the METAR updated before my departure time and said that the ceiling was BKN 019, which meant I could fly! Once we got in the air, we did four landings. The first landing was not my best, I came in a bit low and slow, but my next three landings were much better. So much better that after my fourth landing, when we taxied off the runway my instructor asked me if I felt ready to solo. I asked him if he felt I was ready, and he said that I was ready so I responded that I’m good then. I dropped my instructor off and proceeded to Runway 01. I ran through my TILTS check (Time, Instruments, Lights, Transponder, Seatbelt) before I made the call to depart. “Kent Traffic, Kent 2 departing runway 01, Kent Traffic”. I taxied to the runway and lined up with the centerline and pushed the throttle to full power. Before I knew it, I was flying a plane by myself for the first time. Words can’t describe the feeling of freedom and accomplishment I had and still do when I’m writing this post. After I got to 1700MSL, I made the turn to crosswind and climbed to 2000MSL, turned to downwind, and started preparing myself for landing. Once I hit the midpoint on the runway, carb heat hot and then reducing the throttle, lowering flaps, and pitching for my airspeeds, then as soon as I know it I’m already on my final pulling the throttle to idle and starting my flare. The time finally comes where my wheels are back on the ground and I taxi off the runway to do my after-landing checklist. And that concluded my first solo flight.  I only got to do one landing in the pattern, but I know there is so much more to come in my journey to becoming a pilot. 

I would like to thank The Flying Musicians Association and all of their sponsors for providing me with so much knowledge and materials to help me get started in my aviation journey. I can’t wait to keep everyone updated with my future accomplishments through my private license and beyond. Thank you everyone so much for everything!

Here is a video from the Kent State Marching Golden Flash Halftime show!


10 thoughts on “I Finally Did It – First Solo!”

    1. Woohoo! Congrats on you first solo of many. Every time you fly, it will always be a different experience. A good pilot is always learning. The best of luck.

  1. It sounds like you had an awesome experience with your first solo! It must have been nerve-wracking not knowing if you would even be able to fly, but making your first solo sounds like it was worth the wait. I hope that you can continue to achieve your dreams in aviation!

  2. Wow! Congratulations on your first Solo! Sounds like an awesome experience and you definitely worked hard for it! Awesome job!

  3. Wow… Just wow! This moment in time will mark the beginning of a whole bunch of exciting first including flying to different airport/locations all around the world. Congratulations and thanks for keeping us updated. Cant wait to hear more.

  4. Congratulations Jacob! I remember my first solo (1988) in great detail and you will remember this day too. I look forward to more stories about your progress!!

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